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Posts tagged as “Toby Lapinski”

CT-RI Fishing Report

August in the northeast runs the range of emotion. Some talk of the summer doldrums in the shallows, while others cheer the potential for fantastic blue water action. Bottom fishing for the summertime faves of fluke, black sea bass and porgies take a front seat…

CT-RI Fishing Report

This June is going to be a bit different for me than in years past as I recently bought a boat. I own several kayaks, and I have a couple of very good friends with boats and often find myself joining them for a day…

CT-RI Fishing Report

With the month of May comes the “real kick-off” of the saltwater fishing season here in Southern New England. April has its possibilities with blackfish and winter flounder seasons opening ins some states, as well as white perch and striped bass in the tidal rivers,…

CT-RI Fishing Report

I have always had a love/hate relationship with the month of April. On the one hand it means that the open-water fishing season is basically upon us here in Southern New England. Seasons are opening, fish are returning to local waters, and those who winter-over…

CT-RI Fishing Report

As I write this, I am looking at low-20-degree high air temperatures with overnight lows in the teens over the next few days; great weather for ice fishing but downright miserable for those of us who love to fish in the ocean! This followed a…

CT-Ri Fishing Report

It happens at the beginning and end of each season; debate begins as to whether it’s going to be an early or late season. From social media to tackle shop chatter to just good banter between fishing friends, the story goes pretty much the same…

CT-RI Fishing Report

October is a great month to be a fisherman in Southern New England! Barring any major weather events like a hurricane or strong nor’easter, the weather is downright beautiful, and the fish are on the feed. From stripers to tuna and everything in between, the…

CT-RI Fishing Report

Let’s begin this month’s report with a look at some of the notable seasons that are opening and closing in the month of September in Southern New England. First up, the summer blackfish season in Connecticut is now closed until October 10. You can still…

CT/RI Fishing Report

I have big plans for this August, and so should you! While I am sure many will not come to fruition, heading into this month with a solid game plan is, well, a good game plan. Many fishermen in Southern New England refer to the…

CT/RI Fishing Report

The question of whether the fishing season is running late or early is usually off the table by the time July rolls around as by now migratory fish have arrived at their summer haunts and holds, and the year’s patterns have begun to establish themselves.…