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Posts tagged as “Capt. Bob Cerullo”

Zarvona, the French Lady

The passengers boarding the SS St Nicholas that warm evening at the Baltimore Wharf were relatively happy considering there was a civil war raging between the North and the South. Amidst the hustle and bustle of boarding some sixty passengers, there emerged an elegantly dressed…

Michelangelo’s Pieta Visits NYC

When the famed Renaissance sculptor Michelangelo Buonarotti brought his statue, known as “Pieta” to the Vatican in 1499, he did it under the cover of the night. The statue was covered with old blankets and carried on a sturdy old wagon. There was no fanfare,…

Wind-Wing-Power Assisted Ships

There is an incredible irony in the fact that long after the golden age of sail when clipper ships raced across the world powered entirely by wind power that once again cargo ships are turning to wind-assisted power. The new sails that are being evaluated…

Blue Bloods of the Sea

Octopus blood is actually blue, essentially because it has a copper-based protein called hemocyain. That blueblood is pumped through the octopus by three hearts. The central heart pumps the blood through the body to provide oxygen to the organs, while the two peripheral hearts pump…

CO, Unwelcomed Passenger

Obviously, one owns a boat to have fun and provide enjoyment for family and friends. The last thing anyone would expect is tragedy. Unfortunately, boating accidents are an all-too-frequent occurrence. The good news is that most are preventable. In particular Carbon Monoxide poisoning (CO).What exactly…

New Deep-Sea Species

Ironically, scientists were exploring a section of the Pacific Ocean known as the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) because it is believed to be rich in precious mineral depots. The Clarin-Cliperton Zone is a mineral-rich area of the ocean floor that measures approximately 2.3 million square miles…

The Incredible Jellyfish

There wasn’t much happening on this earth 700 million years ago. There were no dinosaurs, fungi or even trees, but there were jellyfish. Amazingly, jellyfish generally don’t live very long, some have a life span of few days, some a year, yet species have been…