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Posts tagged as “Nick Honachefsky”

NJ Fishing Report

With June, the true kickoff to summer is here! We now have sunny days and bluebird skies with 80-degree temps ahead of us for the next few months. Phew! Spring striper fishing was kind of lackluster but there should be some fish hanging around in…

NJ Fishing Report

And here we go! The month we’ve all be patiently waiting for. May is upon us and with it, some of the best fishing of the year. The warm winter should set the stage for a phenomenal month of fishing. To start with the striper…

NJ Fishing Report

As I write this column on the last day of February, we’ve had the warmest winter in recent history. That can translate to spectacular fishing in April on all fronts as we are well ahead of normal migratory patterns. Striped bass should be packed and…

NJ Fishing Report

Saltwater wise, February is always the slowest month of the year, but when the calendar page turns to March, the spark starts the fire. February is not a total loss though as blackfish and white perch are still on a chew, and usually all the…

NJ Fishing Report

Once again, similar to 2022, 2023 was one heck of a romp on the fishing scene. Both the spring run and fall run of striped bass were of legendary status, as scores of linesiders innumerable to count were inundating the Garden State waters. No doubt,…

NJ Fishing Report

November looks like it’s going to set up to be another legendary Fall run of stripers as in October, we are already seeing large pods of big bass in the bay systems and even out front. Black seabass opens on November 1st through December 31st…

NJ Fishing Report

Without a doubt, October kicks off the official start of the fall run in Jersey. Cool nights have dropped water temps to spark a mass exodus of bait pods to leave the backwaters and stage in the near shore waters. Striped bass will be number…

NJ Fishing Report

Big bright sun and cool sea breezes define the post Labor Day scene along the Jersey Coast. The crowds are mostly gone and anglers have wide-open seas where plenty of fishing opportunity abounds! Inshore, stripers and bluefish will begin their southern migration along the coast.…

NJ Fishing Report

The dog days of summer are here as sweltering humid days are quelled by the invitation to jump in the ocean for a cool, refreshing dip. Summertime heat means all sorts of interesting fisheries are on tap. August is the time of year we really…

NJ Fishing Report

Here we go, heading straight into the heart of the summertime! What a fantastic year its been on the saltwater grounds. Fluke will take top honors as the species of choice as the flatfishing has been solid to start off both in the back bays…