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Posts tagged as “L.J. Wallace”

A Bucket of Shrimp

It happened every Friday evening, almost without fail, when the sun resembled a giant orange orb dipping into the sapphire blue ocean, and the light flickered off the small scudding wavelets like the glint of hard diamonds.As predictably as the tides, Old Ed came strolling…

It’s A Little Known Fact That…

How about some random trivia this issue, just for the hell of it, and to impress your shipmates as you pour them some more rum!• Because the chalky shells of certain marine animals have a composition that depends upon the temperature of the water in…

Ponder the Pelican

A wonderful bird is the pelican,His bill will hold more than his belly can.He can take in his beak,Food enough for a week,But I’m damned if I see how the helican.It is the state bird of Louisiana – whether perched atop a dock piling between…

Life’s A Beach

“Beaches, dunes, and barrier islands must move, or they die. We humans think we must stop beaches from moving or we will die. Or, at the very least, loose our possessions and imperil our fortunes.” The BEACH: A History of Paradise on Earth, by Lena…

The Wonders of Water

It’s a simple three-atom molecule element that covers three-fourths of the earth’s surface at depthsup to 6-1/2 miles deep. It’s mostly what you consist of. It’s what makes the planet look blue from outer space. It is the basic material of life but sometimes takes…

Yuletide Cheer

This time of the year I’m betting there’s a good number of you who break out the Jimmy Buffett CD, Christmas Island. It’s a collection of traditional Christmas songs done with Buffett’s decided tropical flair, plus a few of his own seasonal songs. In case…

Requiem For A Boat Owner

It was some winters ago in the northeast. I was very sad. The boating season was coming to a close. All the signs were there. The days became noticeably shorter, the nights colder and the annual migration of boats from their slips to their winter…

Nautical Lyrics

I’ve never been real big on poetry. I’ve tried reading it and even writing it, but I just don’t have the knack for it. Or, in some salty way, do I?I had a friend years ago that aspired to be a musician. Unlike many of…

Down At The Old Boatyard

I’ve always been of the opinion that guys need two places to remain balanced: one is a place to be alone; the other is a place to be with other guys. In both cases, if possible, it’s best if it involves boats.The “alone” place is…

Renaming A Boat

The naming of a boat, even a very small boat, is a serious matter.-William Adkin I sell boats, new and used, so I don’t need our trade journals to tell me LOTS of you have bought new or a used boat recently and you’re wondering…