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Posts tagged as “Capt. Bob Cerullo”

The Whale Pump

A recent study in the Gulf of Maine discovered the presence of marine mammals is a key factor in maintaining the fish population of the waters in the area. Specifically, the phenomenon that describes the process in whales is called the Whale Pump. Essentially, what…

Wheeler Yachts Reborn

“A functional fishing machine, sturdy, reliant and built to take the worst weather and sweating in any kind of sea.” Ernest Hemingway When legendary author Ernest Hemingway decided to build his dream fishing boat, he chose Howard E. Wheeler Sr. to build it. Wheeler had…

Forcola: The Venetian Oarlock

There is no other image that more identifies Venice than the gondola. Its unique design dates back to the 11th century. The gondola has been celebrated in song, art and literature for centuries. Mark Twain observed, “We reached Venice at eight in the evening, and…

USS Sequoia

Imagine if the highly polished mahogany cabin walls of the Presidential yacht Sequoia could talk what they could say of the private conversations of some eight American presidents with powerful leaders from around the world for the period 1933 to 1977. The Presidential yacht Sequoia…

USS Grayback

One of the most successful submarines of World War II, the USS Grayback, fought its last battle at the end of February 1944, but was never seen again. Commissioned on June 30,1941 she set sail for Pearl Harbor after about six months to join the…

Guy Lombardo’s Need For Speed

Freeport Long Island was a frequent destination for my family. My father loved seafood and we ate at Barnacle Bills Seafood Restaurant often. It was on one of those dinner trips to Freeport, LI that my dad took me to see a fellow named Joe…

Autonomous Ships

Cars that drive themselves have been around for years. So it is a no brainer that boats would one day be driving themselves. In fact, they have been doing short trip across rivers and bays for quite a while. Unmanned underwater exploration vessels have been…

A Trailerable Houseboat

At first glance, the Caraboat looks familiar but then again it is like nothing I have seen before. Basically, it is a luxury camper trailer or what the Europeans call a Caravan that also can be used as a boat. The concept of a houseboat…


The gondola is synonymous with Venice and its ancient churches, great museums, grand palazzos, and intricate canals. It conjures up images of romantic couples nestled on the elaborately decorated couches in shinny black gondolas decorated with shimmering brass while echoes of singing gondoliers reverberate off…