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Long Island Boating World

Lines Led Aft

Ternabout, my 20-foot sloop, had halyards that were wire-to-rope and original to the boat. After 20+ years of use, they were stiff as boards. The rope section was 5/16” line and the wire around 1/16”. I looked around for replacements but couldn’t find any stock…

Water Bikes

If you ask three people what water biking is, you could expect three different answers, including, “What’s that?” Water bikes have been around since the 1800s when they were called water velocipedes. More recently called amphibious cycles or hydrocycles, water bikes are propelled on land…

A Sailor Named “Beamish”

The name “Beamish” originated in the County Durham on coastal North West Britain (but the Irish claim it as their own). End of the summer, 1967, I was studying art at St. Johns University. I grew up in Rosedale with miles of wetlands, which we…


The gondola is synonymous with Venice and its ancient churches, great museums, grand palazzos, and intricate canals. It conjures up images of romantic couples nestled on the elaborately decorated couches in shinny black gondolas decorated with shimmering brass while echoes of singing gondoliers reverberate off…

Long Island Sound Hybrid Catamaran

For the past year, First Harvest Navigation of Norwalk, Connecticut has been using its hybrid-powered vessel to transport supplies between its four-year-old Harbor Harvest food market in East Norwalk and a new one of the same name that it opened on the waterfront in Huntington…