Eight hours earlier, the S.S. Washington had arrived at her berth in New York Harbor, and after completing her duties, Mrs. Julia Wiedeman was walking down Eleventh Avenue and Twenty-Second Street when suddenly a man leapt out from an alley. Wiedeman froze in her tracks…
Posts tagged as “Adam Grohman”
The B-29 Superfortress lumbered down the runway at Mitchel Field, its sleek aluminum fuselage radiating in the early afternoon sun on February 15, 1945. Built by Boeing, the B-29 was a critical asset for the United States war effort as Allied forces leap-frogged, island by…
With the War to End All Wars in her wake, the former U.S.S. Northern Pacific, and later U.S.A.T. Northern Pacific, had become too burdensome and expensive for the United States Army to operate and maintain. While she had been one of the fastest troop transports…
Each month, an interesting aspect of the world’s oldest continuous maritime service will be highlighted. The men and women of the United States Coast Guard follow in the fine tradition of the brave mariners who have served before them. As sentinels and saviors of the…
Captain Joachim Blankenburg scanned the brightly lit domain below. He turned to A. Eger, his flight mechanic. “We have,” he paused, “almost arrived.” The flight mechanic smiled. It had been a long flight. “We are not there just yet,” Baron Carl von Gablenz, the flight’s…
Come down to my cabin,” the Englishman offered to the four newly arrived guests aboard the schooner. “We shall celebrate your arrival and purchase of the remaining cargo over a stiff swig of the good stuff.” The four men followed him down the narrow passageway…
Each month, an interesting aspect of the world’s oldest continuous maritime service will be highlighted. The men and women of the United States Coast Guard follow in the fine tradition of the brave mariners who have served before them. As sentinels and saviors of the…
Each month, an interesting aspect of the world’s oldest continuous maritime service will be highlighted. The men and women of the United States Coast Guard follow in the fine tradition of the brave mariners who have served before them. As sentinels and saviors of the…
Each month, an interesting aspect of the world’s oldest continuous maritime service will be highlighted. The men and women of the United States Coast Guard follow in the fine tradition of the brave mariners who have served before them. As sentinels and saviors of the…
Each month, an interesting aspect of the world’s oldest continuous maritime service will be highlighted. The men and women of the United States Coast Guard follow in the fine tradition of the brave mariners who have served before them. As sentinels and saviors of the…