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Posts tagged as “Capt. Eddy Smith (retired)”

Skipper’s Corner

I see it all the time. Boaters and guests hanging their butts anywhere they please on a boat in motion. Where are the Captains of these vessels? Asleep in the cabin? Vaping in the head? Downing a Bud? – Oops! I mean Coors! You are…

Skipper’s Corner – It’s Time for Eats Onboard!

You’re going on your boat for a day of fishing with the crew, or perhaps a day with family and friends. What’s the best way to handle this on your vessel? Over the years I have observed many dos and don’ts when it comes to…

Skipper’s Corner

Foul Weather Gear Essentials So, you don’t want to be just a sunny day sailor? Well, if you’re really into boating why would you be? In our area of the Mid-Atlantic only slightly less then half our days are sunny anyway so be prepared for…