Man, if 2020 was any barometer, 2021 is going to be a strange year, at least its going to start off like that. COVID concerns will no doubt dictate many facets of life throughout the winter and into early spring, but we can only pray…
Long Island Boating World
A long tradition of speed that can top over 100mph Here we are, sliding into winter. Most pleasure boats are being pulled and winterized. It was a real relief to be in boating this year with Covid 19 wreaking havoc. At least you were on…
The winter flounder with its mild, slightly sweet white flesh, is frequently sought by recreational fishermen as a great food source. Easily prepared with its thin fillets and delicate flakes, it is recognized as a healthy source of dietary protein, B-vitamins and niacin. Recommended by…
and America’s First Humanitarian Mission There has been a seething hatred between the Irish people and the British government for more years than anyone can remember. Undoubtedly, a major cause is what happened to the Irish people during the potato famine in the late 1840s…
For over two-hundred years the Mystic River in Connecticut was a center for New England’s shipbuilding industry. Many of the 1400 ships built there went on to have long successful careers. One ship that gained fame at the time and now is almost forgotten is…
The wind was light from the east that lovely Sunday morning in September, sailing from Little Peconic Bay to deliver the newest member of our fleet, the 29-foot sloop Caprice back to the other end of Long Island in Brooklyn. This vessel would begin its…
From the advent of submarine design, a crucial obstacle was the ability to provide life support for the crews and later-on combustion air for propulsion engines, hence, early submarines ran solely on batteries while submerged and so were considered to be electric boats. And although…
You can leave all that comfy warm weather behind, because November and December bring some of the finest fishing in Jersey saltwater. Number one on the hit list is striped bass as the roving schools migrate southward and peak in Jersey waters throughout November then…
My first serious boyfriend introduced me to a treat I never forgot. A diver, he sometimes came across lobsters in the ocean off Fire Island. His mother steamed the three he found at a wreck off Ocean Beach, provided lots of melted butter and showed…
Unaware by the American public the much-publicized 1960s era space race was as much about developing ballistic missiles as it was putting a man on the moon. And more specifically achieving submarine launched ballistic missile (SLBM) capability because there was an equally crucial and secret…