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Long Island Boating World

“Wrecking” On the Beaches

For a century and a half, wreckers worked with impunity along Long Island’s South Shore beaches from Coney Island to Montauk Point. Men like Talmadge Smith and Thomas Jones lured ships onto the sand bars at night or found other vessels that ran aground and…

Splashing Your Boat 2021

Man, I’m soooo glad Spring 2021 is here, because 2020 was one helluva year. Without beating things to death, it will sure be nice to actually do any chores relating to boating (or honey-dos so you can do the chores related to boating) and get…

Women Boat Buyers

Some in the marine industry were not surprised at the pent up demand for boats resulting from the pandemic lockdowns in many parts of the country in 2020. What seemed harder to grasp was the proportion of women in the surge toward boat ownership. Women…

A Striper: The Prized Catch

By early April, autumn-bared trees have already begun to spread a new canopy along the banks of the Hudson River. As its waters warm to about 58 to 60 F, striped bass make their way upstream to spawn in the river’s freshwater. Stripers, rockfish, greenhead…

Consider the Crab

I can unequivocally state that my favorite seafood, by far, is blue crab. I’ve always thought it quite logical that it required so much time and effort to extract the delicacy recessed inside such a formidable, almost alien-looking body. It looks more like some rare…

Adding Cleats

I didn’t realize how inadequate the cleats were on our 20-footer until I started keeping it at a dock and also anchoring out more. Actually the only cleat, other than the ones for the jib sheets, was a tiny little thing on the fore deck.…

The Sailaway Goumet

Thankfully, winter is over and it’s time to get outside. And after hibernating, it’s nice to get some fresh air. Hopefully some of you were able to enjoy skiing or other winter sports that may have been available with Covid restrictions. Now that’s it’s April,…

Seamanship – The Good Samaritan – Safety of Life at Sea

Any school child knows, or at least believes, that if you see a person or boat in distress on the water, the “law of the sea” demands that you render assistance. Simple human decency would require no less and, from time immemorial, this has been…