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Long Island Boating World

The Whale Pump

A recent study in the Gulf of Maine discovered the presence of marine mammals is a key factor in maintaining the fish population of the waters in the area. Specifically, the phenomenon that describes the process in whales is called the Whale Pump. Essentially, what…

Now Is The Time…

For so many things! If you own a boat, winter is a great time to take care of simple tasks like checking your safety gear, getting your toolbox in order and getting the fishing tackle squared away. It’s also a great time to get yourself…

LI Fishing Report

I was really happy to have the opportunity to follow Anthony Gatto in providing the monthly Long Island Fishing Report for Boating World. As a kid growing up in Nassau County, I loved every half-day fluke trip on the Freeport head boats and savored every…

NJ Fishing Report

As we enter the third spring of Covid, I suppose things look better as we get outside to explore the March weather to fish on all fronts. There’s a lot of shuffling around with regulations in February and March. Though the month of February backwaters…

Boating Safety Tips – Boat Handling

Engine Operations and Propulsion … Regardless of their size, your boat’s engines are part of a complex operational system that propels your vessel, and helps the Skipper navigate his or her boat through all types of water and weather conditions. This boating safety tip will…