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Long Island Boating World

Seamanship – Man Overboard!

Not too long ago, a friend of mine fell overboard – while boarding a boat at the dock! Sound crazy? Not really – the “victim” wasn’t wearing proper shoes… he stepped on the gunwales and not into the boat… and the wake of a passing…

On Living Aboard

There were times this past winter when we wondered if it was ever going to be over. But like every other year, it finally was. In as much as we’re still in isolation due to the pandemic, it’s not a really big deal. My wife,…

Clam Farms

Unless your reading includes coastal shellfishing project news, mostly found in blogs, scholarly papers and trade journals, you may not have noticed the number of shellfish farms, mostly clam or oyster or a combination of the two, using bays and lagoons up and down the…

Life’s A Beach

“Beaches, dunes, and barrier islands must move, or they die. We humans think we must stop beaches from moving or we will die. Or, at the very least, loose our possessions and imperil our fortunes.” The BEACH: A History of Paradise on Earth, by Lena…