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Long Island Boating World

CT/RI Fishing Report

When it comes to saltwater fishing, June is a time of plenty in Southern New England. We have a shot at nearly every popular species in some place or another this month. There are striped bass, fluke, bluefish, porgies, black sea bass, cod, weakfish, blackfish,…

The M80 Stiletto

The U.S. Navy has a new lethal weapon in the form of a state-of-the-art attack vessel reminiscent of the patrol torpedo boats in concept only. In reality, M80 Stiletto is a prototype of a seaborne surface fighting machine like no other. It is a test…

Skipper’s Corner

Foul Weather Gear Essentials So, you don’t want to be just a sunny day sailor? Well, if you’re really into boating why would you be? In our area of the Mid-Atlantic only slightly less then half our days are sunny anyway so be prepared for…

In Our Waters

The B-29 Superfortress lumbered down the runway at Mitchel Field, its sleek aluminum fuselage radiating in the early afternoon sun on February 15, 1945. Built by Boeing, the B-29 was a critical asset for the United States war effort as Allied forces leap-frogged, island by…

Seamanship – Fog!

I’ve been getting a fair amount of NOAA warnings about low-lying fog. No surprise with the generally mild winter we’ve had (I guess that means we’ll have a blizzard next week!) For those of a more scientific-bent, fog that forms when water is warmer than…

The Sailaway Gourmet

April already…Did those of you who attended the boat show have a nice time? Buy a new boat or drool over one you wish you could afford? I know that would have been me – drooling not buying…but unfortunately, I’m still away from home and…

Roosevelt Island Visit

River was my destination on a pleasant winter day. I chose to visit here for a half-day road trip because I had the urge to be on the water. With my boat wrapped for the season, this easy-to-visit island had the water views I needed.Roosevelt…