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Posts published in “April 2024”

Michelangelo’s Pieta Visits NYC

When the famed Renaissance sculptor Michelangelo Buonarotti brought his statue, known as “Pieta” to the Vatican in 1499, he did it under the cover of the night. The statue was covered with old blankets and carried on a sturdy old wagon. There was no fanfare,…

Green Grasses, Small and Tall

Although you’ve
probably never given it much thought,
I think it’s fair to say
that grass connotes
luxury. Think about
it. Don’t you always
admire that one
house on the block
whose lawn is always lush, thick and
green? Even a modest home looks so
much more elegant
when surrounded by
a rich emerald carpet
of grass. And…

Skipper’s Corner

It’s been a dream of yours, to own your own boat. You found one at the boat show or a great used one for sale in a yard and you finally take hold of that dream. It took quite a while. You took your boating…

More Electronics

It is the middle of February and I can’t wait to get to the marina and finish up a couple of projects on our boat. Besides routine items like zinc replacement and cleaning,I have more electronic work to finish. In the last issue, I described…

The Sailaway Gourmet

Time flies. I hope everyone has had a nice winter. Personally, I’m beginning to wonder if I need to be a ‘snowbird’. Really dislike being cold, especially in my own home! I have electric heat and it’s hard to keep warm without turning it up…

LI Fishing Report

All is right and good in the world again with fishing being part of my daily routine. Just to clarify though there’s a lot of baseball practices for two teams my son plays on. I have a 7ft spinning rod matched with a Van Staal…

CT-RI Fishing Report

I have always had a love/hate relationship with the month of April. On the one hand it means that the open-water fishing season is basically upon us here in Southern New England. Seasons are opening, fish are returning to local waters, and those who winter-over…

NJ Fishing Report

As I write this column on the last day of February, we’ve had the warmest winter in recent history. That can translate to spectacular fishing in April on all fronts as we are well ahead of normal migratory patterns. Striped bass should be packed and…