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Posts tagged as “Vincent Pica”

Seamanship -Weighing the Anchor – Or Is It Waying?

Sometimes, the simplest thing can take on monumental proportions – if you get it wrong. And setting a proper anchor, and retrieving (or “weighing it” so you can “make way”), can make all the difference in the world when the wind starts to stiffen and…

Seamanship – We’re Being Boarded by the Coast Guard – Now What?

If you’ve ever seen the reflection of the blue-rotating hailing light in the reflection of your windshield, you’ve felt the quickening in certain parts of your body – “Jeez, what did I do wrong??” The United States Coast Guard can and will board you at…

Seamanship:Winterizing – Now or Later, It Has To Be Done

Usually, as soon as I write a column on de-commissioning the boat for the winter season, Indian Summer arrives to bathe us in the last warmth of the year. As of this writing, it seems like it has arrived – but no one needs much…


If you have been boating more than 5 minutes, it is quite possible that you have left the dock under fair skies and come back being chased by the Wrath of God… And have you noticed the light shows we’ve getting from Mother Nature lately?…

Seamanship – If You See Something, Say Something…

On August 29, 2011, an American, WW-II USCG hero, largely forgotten by all but US Coast Guard Forces, passed away at 90 years old. This column celebrates him and what we still work for, even to this day. SabotageMost outeaster’s, as well as many other…

Seamanship – Fog!

I’ve been getting a fair amount of NOAA warnings about low-lying fog. No surprise with the generally mild winter we’ve had (I guess that means we’ll have a blizzard next week!) For those of a more scientific-bent, fog that forms when water is warmer than…

Seamanship – Calling for Help – Does the USCG Hear You?

On September 28, 2022, the USCG Office of Investigations & Analysis (CG-INV) released Marine Safety Advisory 01-22 titled, “Maritime Distress Communication Devices,” which is available on their Safety Alert internet site. In it, they detail what devices the USCG is listening to in real time,…

Seamanship – Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness

I am oft reminded of this expression and it goes back to Biblical days – when there were fewer people and even fewer boats. If each generation wants to hand over these creeks and bays to their children and grandkids in the condition that we…