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Posts tagged as “Cathy Smith”

The Sailaway Gourmet

April already…Did those of you who attended the boat show have a nice time? Buy a new boat or drool over one you wish you could afford? I know that would have been me – drooling not buying…but unfortunately, I’m still away from home and…

The Sailaway Gourmet

At the time of this writing, I am in Florida working for a few months. Thankfully I am missing all the cold weather in the North. If I were home though, I would attend one of the many boat shows in the Northeast, bound to…

The Sailaway Gourmet

Another year has gone by, and a new one to make the most of. We all have our challenges but I could have definitely done without some of mine. But I survived it all and look forward to a better year ahead.It’s soup time again…

The Sailaway Gourmet

Another holiday season is upon us, coming fast after our boating season ended. It’s the time for parties with family, friends and all the people we work with. For many of us, that means a lot of cooking.We all have our favorite foods for the…

The Sailaway Gourmet

Fall has arrived with all its beautiful colors. For me it’s the time to enjoy the cooler weather and go bicycling on the rail trails that are all over the Northeast. A nice time to just walk around your neighborhood and local parks too.For cooking,…

The Sailaway Gourmet

Here we are again nearing the end of summer. Hopefully we’ll have some nice weather through October. Due to a deployment and some health challenges, I wasn’t working out on the water this season but am hoping to get out a couple of times before…

The Sailaway Gourmet

At the time of this writing, it is still cold outside and seriously windy. It makes me wonder what boating season will be like this year. It may be great for the sailors but not so much fun for all the power boaters as they…

The Sailaway Gourmet

Did you know that May 31st is National Macaroon Day? I didn’t. I came across it on the internet. And apparently June 3rd is National Chocolate Macaroon Day in Scotland. I wish every day were a National Cookie Day!The first time I ever tasted a…

The Sailaway Gourmet

Here we are again, another year has sped by and unfortunately still dealing with a worldwide virus. I think our wish for the New Year is for it to be over. Hopefully, it will be in time.Recently it was decided by a holistic practitioner that…

The Sailaway Gourmet

How quickly the holidays come upon us. And I am never ready for them. I have to say though that it is probably my favorite time of year for cooking, baking and eating all those cherished holiday foods leaving us heading for the gym in…