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Posts tagged as “Mark Paul”

Our First Boat

My wife and I were talking the other day about boats (what else?) and how we made the jump into boating. It really is a convoluted road that got us here, but one we are glad we went down.Given my background, you would think it…

Now Is The Time…

For so many things! If you own a boat, winter is a great time to take care of simple tasks like checking your safety gear, getting your toolbox in order and getting the fishing tackle squared away. It’s also a great time to get yourself…

Dream On

Well here we are in December and I am still cleaning up leaves, and there are still plenty of them left on the trees refusing to come down. This is becoming a problem as I have other projects to get going on! Over the winter…

The Party’s Over

Well, only for six months or so. Looking back at this past season time blurs for me. It came and went so quickly. The weather did not always have our interests at heart, and when it did my family could not always take advantage of…

Odds and Ends

Things have been a little hectic around the home front the last couple of months. My oldest son got engaged a while ago and they decided to get married this October. So this has given my better half one more thing to think about. After…

New Horizons

New boat, new operator, and new horizons. Despite all the rain and wind we have experienced this summer, my family and I have been able to use the boats fairly often. After getting the trailer put back in useable condition we took our Boston Whaler…

And The Hits Keep Coming

Last month I wrote about the failure of our boat trailer. With little use (less than 150 miles and never put into water) the left rear wheel bearing failed on the trailer. I had a hard time getting the wheel bearing off the axle spindle…

One Door Closes, Another Opens

Or should I say, “solve one problem and another pops up”? Last month I wrote about installing a new turbocharger on our boat Keeper (Got Boost? LIBW June 2021).After taking care of some other items that needed attention, like a loose propeller, we launched Keeper…

Got Boost?

No, I’m not talking about a dead battery, nor am I asking for a sip of your energy drink. I am talking about the boost pressure from the turbocharger that supplies the large amount of air engines need to make serious horsepower from a smaller…

Emergency Pumps

Last year I finished up a major project on my boat Keeper (Putting it all Together). Part of that project was removing the engines and among many other things removing the original seawater pumps and replacing them with a belt driven pump mounted in a…