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Posts tagged as “Mark Paul”


We see them every day. So often they barely register in our minds. Our last boat had signs posted all about the helm and cockpit. Warning signs, caution signs and various instructional signs. I paid attention to them until they faded into the background because…

Where There’s Smoke…

There’s another Canadian wildfire conspiring to make it difficult to get the boat done! More about that later. In the meantime we have been getting ready for our next trip up to the boat in Alexandria Bay. We are planning to bring her back to…

First Run

Last month (Moving Right Along) I told you how we went up to Alexandria Bay to start getting our new to us boat ready for launching. We removed many bags full of things we did not want and still had more to go. With the…

We Did It!

We sold our boat of almost twenty years and purchased a new to us boat. By the time you read this all the transactions needed to make this happen should be done. It has not been an easy task. In the November/December issue, I wrote…

Another One In the Books

Just sitting here after another day of rain and wind, courtesy of Hurricane Ian. I feel very lucky it was not us that got hammered and very sad for the people that have had their lives turned upside down by Ian. What would you do…

Let The Games Begin

Man overboard training has begun! As I wrote last month, a little scare while out in bad weather made us realize that beside myself, someone else needs to have some basic knowledge of operating our boat. And so, on a beautiful quiet, wind free day…

On The Water

So far, after all the work I have done on the boat, it’s been a very good summer on the boat. Swimming and cruising on the bay have been an uneventful and pleasant experience. I have only had to make a couple of adjustments on…

Getting Juiced Up!

You know, electrified! On the boat! We have shore power on our boat, but no generator. This has limited our overnight stays on the hook to only a handful since owning this boat since 2003. A hot meal would be nice sometimes, coffee, cold milk…


There was still a lot of work to get done before Keeper would be launched for the 2022 boating season. In the June issue of Long Island Boating World, “Go with the Flow”, I detailed how I was able to lower the port engine exhaust…

Go With The Flow

I finally tackled the problem on my boat that I have had since the boat was made. On my boat, the port exhaust leaves the turbocharger elbow and runs basically level across the back of the engine until it reaches an elbow/riser that dropped it…