This month’s article is a hybrid centering on magnetic boat compasses and it includes a short story at the end relating to the subject by my associate writer, Mark C. (Sea) Nuccio titled “Three Compasses” which you may or may not enjoy. The subject of mounted helm compasses needs to be addressed for several reasons. Why? Because they are still important to navigation.
During the summer I was visiting a marina on the south shore (I do that a lot) and I saw a chap removing his compass. I thought he was sending it out to be serviced but actually, when we started talking, he told me he was removing it because he was getting a much larger GPS/depth finder unit and with his radar, marine radio, etc., he had run out of space on his console. This is how it was stated. “What do I need it for since my GPS, radar, and cell phone all have a compass built into their software. I had recently noticed that some boat builders no longer standardly put them on their boats. “Ya want it? It’s an option!”
If the salesman said that to me, I would walk away just on principle.

All your electronics run on batteries and batteries die. Your phone is subject to a signal that you can be out of range of and it has a battery. All of these accessories depend on satellite connections which can and have gone off line. If you are offshore and you do not have a ships magnetic compass and noted your direction on it in addition to using your electronics you put yourself and crew at risk. The magnetic compass properly adjusted is your safety net and it is a must to know how to properly use it. Us older salts at one time had only the compass, a chart, and knowledge of all the details of “Dead reckoning” when we went out. You should learn this system and always have an updated set of charts with you, which by the way, are more expensive and harder to find because it’s “Oh so simple with my electronics”! Word to the wise, if you don’t know how to use a magnetic compass in conjunction with navigational charts, stay in your slip because in my view, it’s essential!
Below is the inspirational story about compasses by Mark C. (Sea) Nuccio.
See you on the water!
Captain Eddy
by Mark C. (Sea) Nuccio
The salty old Captain said to the young, aspiring mariner, “What are the major points of the compass?”
“Why they’re North, South, East and West, sir!” The young mariner exclaimed! “Is that all” questioned the captain. “Well, there are all points in between” answered the young mariner. “Yes! Of course, but are there any other compasses to sail by?” questioned the captain. “Not that I am aware of” exclaimed the young mariner.
The captain looked at the young mariner with his eyes not more than six inches from his face. He could smell the coffee on his breath. It made the young man uneasy as the captain said….“There are two more compasses. They both have major points and degrees in between”. The young mariner looked confused but had no choice but to listen to the experienced, grizzled, salt, staring him down.
“The second compass you steer your life by. The major points of this compass are TRUTH, which is equal to true north on your helm compass, then going clock wise is INTEGRITY, COMPASSION, and finally HONOR! This is the compass you steer your life to!
The third compass has the points of GREED, DECEIT, AVARICE, and RUTHLESS POWER!
This is the most insidious, misleading, misadjusted compass you can steer your soul’s helm to. It is best to deep six this compass. If you steer your life by it you will run up the rocks, founder on the shoals, and destroy the lives of everyone around you!
Do you understand?” inquired the captain?
“Yes! Thank you, sir! You have given me a most straight forward lesson on navigating through the seas life, better than any minister at church ever did!” With a half smile on his lips the old captain backed away saying “Give her some throttle and take her true north”.
Copyright 2025 by Mark C. Nuccio
All rights reserved