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Long Island Boating World

Seagull Savvy

Seagull, seagull, sit on the sand; It’s never good weather when you’re on the land.-Old mariner’s weather proverbOspreys, egrets, herons, pelicans, cormorants, ducks and many other sorts of waterfowl wing about our coast, but there is no more common and dominant bird around the littoral…

Seamanship – Talking on Cell Phones – Part II

Last month, we talked about cell phones aboard boats and the issues thereto. But they are fantastic devices – and therein lay another issue. As the functionality of cell phones starts to rival computers (did I say “rival” – I should have said “outpaces!”), we…

On Living Aboard

Rain was falling when we got up Tuesday morning. Tomorrow would be one week since we dropped anchor about two miles inside Hamburg Cove and the fourth week since we left the yard. My wife, the Blonde did a few ‘work from home’ things and…

The Sailaway Gourmet

We celebrated Memorial Day and here we are heading into full swing for our summer season. I hope we all get to spend a lot of time out on the water with our friends and family. Our summer picnics, BBQ’s, and gatherings on boats always…

NJ Fishing Report

Last year at this time we had no reports due to the pandemic shutting most everything down from marinas to tackle shops to charter boats. Thankfully, it appears we have much more freedom and opportunity this June to get out and enjoy the outdoors. To…

CT Fishing Report

When the northward migrating stripers are feeding on squid any “look alike”, anything from some deer tail hair on a chunk of lead to a sophisticated duplicate will draw strikes and catch fish. In deeper water hard-core striper anglers jig, troll deep or use fresh…

LI Fishing Report

May started with a great deal of wind and rain. This made it difficult for anglers to get out and chase their favorite fish. But when Mother Nature allowed, those who made it out were not disappointed. Opening day fluke fishing saw some real good…