Changing the oil on Patty O’, our 42 foot Huckins sedan cruiser’s twin Cummings diesel engines as well as the generator, is not performed on schedule. What we do is take a sample from each engine, which is sent to a testing lab, and the…
Long Island Boating World
Many years ago, back in the late 60’s and early 70’s all anyone fished for and expected to catch on plugs and jigs were striped bass, bluefish, fluke, blackfish, and scup or porgies. Even great eating and hard pulling blackfish were nowhere near as popular…
The weather just does not want to let up this summer. The 4th of July saw some windy and sporty conditions. A week later tropical storm Elsa did a drive-by Long Island. Thankfully, it was a fast-moving weak storm by the time it hit us.…
I’ve always been of the opinion that guys need two places to remain balanced: one is a place to be alone; the other is a place to be with other guys. In both cases, if possible, it’s best if it involves boats.The “alone” place is…
Not many of us have generations of family who have lived and worked on, and by the sea. Jed Meade is one of those lucky salts. Jed’s family history goes back to the age of sailing ships, and he lives in the house his grandfather,…
USS Skipjack SSN-585 was the lead ship of her class of nuclear-powered attack submarines and the third ship of the United States Navy to be named after the skipjack, a streamlined, fast-swimming pelagic fish common in tropical waters throughout the world.Her keel was laid down…
Freeport Long Island was a frequent destination for my family. My father loved seafood and we ate at Barnacle Bills Seafood Restaurant often. It was on one of those dinner trips to Freeport, LI that my dad took me to see a fellow named Joe…
As Amazon changed our shopping habits with some help from the COVID restrictions, these same rules that kept us at home away from other people moved new boat sales into the fast lane. The lockdown problems affected the supply of new boats because boat building…
The macabre discovery in all of its horrifying nature was revealed because the top of the crate was unhinged and removed. The marbleized green-tinged skin of the corpse was clothed only in a shirt. The lifeless body’s neck was tightly bound to the knees with…