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Long Island Boating World

NJ Fishing Report

Strangely enough, it seems that everything has been a little behind schedule for the first wave of summer in that water temps in early July were still hovering between 58 and 65 degrees on any given day. That gave a kind of slow start to…

And The Hits Keep Coming

Last month I wrote about the failure of our boat trailer. With little use (less than 150 miles and never put into water) the left rear wheel bearing failed on the trailer. I had a hard time getting the wheel bearing off the axle spindle…

New York Harbor’s Oyster Islands

In its early history, the tidal waters of New York Harbor were host to large areas of oyster beds. They served as an important food source for Native Americans and early colonists. Their abundance eventually prompted Dutch colonists to name the harbor’s three tiny islands,…

Boating Safety Tips

Carbon Monoxide (CO) – An Odorless, Colorless Predator … In most respects boating is a healthy outdoor activity that gives us opportunities to exercise and relax at the same time. During any given day on the water, boating enthusiasts go fishing, swimming, tubing, skiing, and…

The Sailaway Gourmet

Summer is passing too quickly. And the weather has been crazy from the start, but I’m sure everyone is enjoying all the activities there are to do during the season. One of the favorites among my boaters in Mt. Sinai is fishing. There are the…