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Long Island Boating World

Wheeler Yachts Reborn

“A functional fishing machine, sturdy, reliant and built to take the worst weather and sweating in any kind of sea.” Ernest Hemingway When legendary author Ernest Hemingway decided to build his dream fishing boat, he chose Howard E. Wheeler Sr. to build it. Wheeler had…

The Wonders of Water

It’s a simple three-atom molecule element that covers three-fourths of the earth’s surface at depthsup to 6-1/2 miles deep. It’s mostly what you consist of. It’s what makes the planet look blue from outer space. It is the basic material of life but sometimes takes…

Dream On

Well here we are in December and I am still cleaning up leaves, and there are still plenty of them left on the trees refusing to come down. This is becoming a problem as I have other projects to get going on! Over the winter…

Seamanship – Time and Tide Wait For No (Wo)Man

Before reading the weekly tide tables as gospel, let’s take a moment to review a few essentials. First, don’t mistake precision with accuracy. What??? Just because we can predict the tides to the second as far into the future as you could imagine (after all,…

Boating Safety Tips – Boat Handling

Marine Environmental Protection … 10 Ways We Can Protect Our Marine Environment … In the United States the Coast Guard develops and enforces regulations to avert …1 … The introduction of invasive species into the maritime environment … 2 … stopping unauthorized ocean dumping, and…