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Long Island Boating World

Ponder the Pelican

A wonderful bird is the pelican,His bill will hold more than his belly can.He can take in his beak,Food enough for a week,But I’m damned if I see how the helican.It is the state bird of Louisiana – whether perched atop a dock piling between…

Working Offshore

If you wanted to define water people you might say they need to be on the water, by the water, near the water or in the water. Water people find comfort sitting on a dock, swimming, fishing, crabbing, clamming, boating, surfing or just sitting in…

Menhaden – A Special Bait

The surface waters along the shore seem to come to a low boil with a school of menhaden thrashing just below the surface. With a breeze blowing the right way, one might even detect their foul, oily odor. Mossbunker, bunker, porgy, bug-head, and fat-back as…

Skippers Corner – Burgees versus Massive Flags!

We love our country. We all do! You may love certain politicians.That’s your right. You are proud to project that we are Italian, Irish, Israeli, British, etc.? It’s great we live in a country where we can display how we feel as long as it…

Our First Boat

My wife and I were talking the other day about boats (what else?) and how we made the jump into boating. It really is a convoluted road that got us here, but one we are glad we went down.Given my background, you would think it…

Boating Safety Tips

Preventative Maintenance for Boats … Keeping your boat Ship-Shape and in good mechanical working order maintains the value of your investment. Personally, I often wonder why some owners allow their vessels to lose value due to poor maintenance. Properly maintaining your boat is a full-time…

LI Fishing Report

It’s spring….finally. March fishing can often be a fool’s errand but a welcomed one after a long winter. To the west, some migrating stripers are eager to chew by the time April arrives, and in our eastern waters, the occasional schoolie holdover bass will take…

NJ Fishing Report

April always brings a breath of fresh air and with it rides a promise of a true fishing season to get started in earnest. Starting off, stripers should really begin to put on the feedbags, while winter flounder are warming up on the bay flats…