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Long Island Boating World

LI Fishing Report

The transition from spring to summer fishing is upon us! Time to fish deeper waters, further out waters, and target more species. Each month of the season marks a different level of excitement for me for different reasons. June marks the arrival of big stripers…

CT/RI Fishing Report

June is a time for bigger fish in the waters of Connecticut and Rhode Island, with striped bass, bluefish, fluke and even tuna showing in quantity and quality as each day passes.Beginning with striped bass, expect to see a shot of potentially enormous striped bass…

NJ Fishing Report

What an incredible year so far and June is primed for fishing fun! Starting off, the striper run has really gotten running as of early May, in fact it was pretty much lights out fishing all throughout April as well. Bass are all up and…

Old Blue Eyes, the Scallop

One of the world’s best-known Renaissance works of art is Sandro Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus. It features the beautiful Venus, the Roman Goddess of Love, carried ashore on a giant scallop shell. Art historians explain that through the ages, scallops and other hinged shells…

Meet the Sharks of Long Island Sound

Long Island Sound is ordinarily host to only four species of sharks: the Sand Tiger, Sandbar (=Brown), Spiny Dogfish and Smooth Dogfish. A few other species are occasional visitors to the Sound, but one species was likely never expected to swim these waters. In May…