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Long Island Boating World

Old Blue Eyes, the Scallop

One of the world’s best-known Renaissance works of art is Sandro Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus. It features the beautiful Venus, the Roman Goddess of Love, carried ashore on a giant scallop shell. Art historians explain that through the ages, scallops and other hinged shells…

Meet the Sharks of Long Island Sound

Long Island Sound is ordinarily host to only four species of sharks: the Sand Tiger, Sandbar (=Brown), Spiny Dogfish and Smooth Dogfish. A few other species are occasional visitors to the Sound, but one species was likely never expected to swim these waters. In May…

It’s A Little Known Fact That…

How about some random trivia this issue, just for the hell of it, and to impress your shipmates as you pour them some more rum!• Because the chalky shells of certain marine animals have a composition that depends upon the temperature of the water in…

LI Fishing Report

Now it’s starting to get serious. The cobwebs of the offseason leading into the spring are well and gone. A solid April bass bite from Raritan to Jones inlet, while the bays and inlets further east had their typical schoolie to lower slot size bass…

The Sailaway Gourmet

Did you know that May 31st is National Macaroon Day? I didn’t. I came across it on the internet. And apparently June 3rd is National Chocolate Macaroon Day in Scotland. I wish every day were a National Cookie Day!The first time I ever tasted a…