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Long Island Boating World

NJ Fishing Report

If spring fishing is any indication of what’s in store for summer, we’re all in for a real treat. Just an incredible run of striped bass, matched with wild sea bassing, quality fluke fishing, sporadic bluefish, a showing of weakfish and early season tuna had…

Mystery of the U-853

It was late fall and a cold northeast wind rustled the water as we headed out of the Mystic River to a spot on the chart marked, “unexploded depth charges 1945.” Onboard the charter boat Thunderfish, Captain Bill Palmer and two other divers were planning…

Man Eating Giant Clams

Giant clams are the largest mollusks on Earth. Unlike other mollusks, once they fasten themselves to a spot on a reef, there it stays for the remainder of its life. Giant clams generally live in the warm waters of the South Pacific and Indian Oceans.Colloquially…

A Bucket of Shrimp

It happened every Friday evening, almost without fail, when the sun resembled a giant orange orb dipping into the sapphire blue ocean, and the light flickered off the small scudding wavelets like the glint of hard diamonds.As predictably as the tides, Old Ed came strolling…