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Long Island Boating World

Boating Safety Tips

Meteorology and Oceanography … Understanding changes in the Weather … In the North Atlantic boaters will encounter winds between the latitudes of 5 degrees and 30 degrees. These winds are the Trade Winds … They were named during the age of sailing by the crews…

LI Fishing Report

Some of the most unique fishing opportunities happen in August. Warmer water temperatures welcome tropical and out of town visitors, some that are making their appearance more regular over the years and others that have some serious gps issues with gulfstream. Offshore fishing is in…

CT/RI Fishing Report

August means options in the Southern New England waters off the Connecticut and Rhode Island coasts. If you time things right and plan out your attack in an efficient way, you could realistically land black sea bass, fluke, striped bass, cod, porgies, blackfish, bluefish, false…

NJ Fishing Report

The heart of summertime fun is upon us as the calendar page flips to August. It’s the time of year when exotics add spice to the mix. Spanish macks, bonito, mahi, skipjacks, king mackerel and more patrol the waters inshore to offshore. Bluefish in the…

The Golden Age of Piracy

The Golden Age of Piracy is the generally recognized designation for the era spanning the 1650s to the 1730s, when maritime piracy was a momentous factor in the antiquities of the Caribbean, United Kingdom, Indian Ocean, North America, and West Africa.Historical accounts of piracy frequently…

The Ghost Ship of Long Island

When it comes to seafaring stories, what is truth and what is a stretch of over imagination. Aye! That’s always the twist, isn’t it? I guess it lies in what you choose to believe, what you think you saw, or how many witnesses you trust.…

Ghost Fishing

Most of us have heard or read about “ghost fishing,” the trapping of fish, seals, seabirds, crustaceans, sea lions, whales, dolphins, turtles and other marine life in the accumulation of old, abandoned fishing nets, lobster, shrimp and crab pots, old, discarded rope and plastic debris…

Beautiful Swimmers In Short Supply

The Chesapeake Bay is unique and not easily compared with any other body of water. It is the largest estuary on the continent. North to south, it stretches from the calm and shallow waters of the Susquehanna Flats to the mighty rolling waves of the…