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Long Island Boating World

Seamanship – Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness

I am oft reminded of this expression and it goes back to Biblical days – when there were fewer people and even fewer boats. If each generation wants to hand over these creeks and bays to their children and grandkids in the condition that we…

The Sailaway Gourmet

Fall has arrived with all its beautiful colors. For me it’s the time to enjoy the cooler weather and go bicycling on the rail trails that are all over the Northeast. A nice time to just walk around your neighborhood and local parks too.For cooking,…

On Living Aboard

It’s been a quiet summer, so far, and we haven’t traveled very much. That’s mostly due to the price of fuel and COVID avoidance. The Blonde, my wife, has had her job as an architectural troubleshooter cut back to three days a week but it’s…

LI Fishing Report

The fall run has not disappointed. Striper fishing is steady and improving, albies abound, along with some gator blues in the mix. When weather windows allow, tuna are anywhere from 5 to 150 miles off our shores, the sea bass bag limit has ticked up…

CT/RI Fishing Report

What can be said about fishing in October aside from making the best of all opportunities you encounter? I hate to say it, but the end of another boating season can now be seen on the horizon, and for many, it could very well end…

NJ Fishing Report

October’s cool nights and sunny days mean all that’s good is coming to the Jersey Shore. Without a doubt, October is one of if not the best months to wet a line along the Garden State. So much is happening that the Fall Run officially…

Nuestra Senora De Las Maravillas

Loaded with treasure in the form of gold and silver coins, five foot six inch, a gold chain, jewels and a silver sword hilt belonging to the soldier Don Martin de Aranda end y Gusman. There was pottery, iron rings, pins, exotic Chinese plates, Mexican…

Tales from the Silent Service

The Russian Belgorod (K-329) Oscar II Class Submarine On June 25, 2021, the Russian Navy began sea trials of its new Belgorod K-329 submarine. And, while the development of this submarine has essentially remained secretive it is known that notably, it’s the largest submarine developed…