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Long Island Boating World

The Saga of the Shayne Michele

The resort town of Myrtle Beach’s attractions tend to be intentionally situated on or near the beach. However, “The Grand Strand’s” latest attraction was brought to shore through the force of nature by hurricane Ian on Friday, September 30th when a shrimp trawler named the…

Storms That Can Affect Boaters

For those captains delivering boats or moving their own boats in the late fall, winter or early spring, there’s always the possibility of a blizzard, but these are the people who regularly make the New York to Florida and back round trip and they are…

Crusty Foulers

If you are not sure just what kind of barnacle is growing on the bottom of your boat or sticking like glue to your pilings, don’t feel inadequate, there are over 1,400 different kinds of barnacles growing in the waters around the world. Chances are…

Shinnecock Bay Lighthouse

The Shinnecock Bay Lighthouse was once part of the tallest lighthouses on the Eastern Seaboard. It filled the void between Montauk Point and Fire Island. It was located at Ponogue Point, on the northerly side of the Shinnecock Bay.It was built in 1857 and deactivated…

Beware of the Kraken

Sometimes things happen that seem inexplicable and the other day one of those things happened to me. That morning I recalled a story I’d read years before about three fishermen that had been attacked by a giant squid, also known as a Kraken. Later that…

Famous Ships – Part II

Famous Ships – Part 2 … The Stories They Tell … 1, The Lusitania … This British ocean liner was the world’s largest passenger ship for a brief time when it launched in 1906. She was sunk by a German U-boat in 1915. That bold…

Another One In the Books

Just sitting here after another day of rain and wind, courtesy of Hurricane Ian. I feel very lucky it was not us that got hammered and very sad for the people that have had their lives turned upside down by Ian. What would you do…