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Long Island Boating World

The Sinking of the VASA

In 1626 an army of loggers was ordered by the King of Sweden, King Gustav II Adolf, to various estate forests in Sweden where they cut down a thousand of the finest giant oak trees and piled them onto barges. The logs were barged down…

Older Boaters

By the year 2030 the US Census predicts 20% of us will be 65 or older. The New York Times is worried about the prospects of the financial challenge of so many of us living longer. If you look around your marina you’ll probably find…

A Passion for Stripers

Bill Sisson grew up along the shore in Watch Hill and describes himself as, “one of a small group of gangly, feral boys who spent hours at the Watch Hill Lighthouse scouring the low-tide rocks for lost fishing gear, terrifying both fish and one another…

The Wonders of Water

“Water, water, everywhere, and all the boards did shrink; Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink.”-The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge It’s a simple three-atom molecule element that covers three-fourths of the earth’s surface at depthsup to 6-1/2 miles deep.…

The Sailaway Gourmet

At the time of this writing, I am in Florida working for a few months. Thankfully I am missing all the cold weather in the North. If I were home though, I would attend one of the many boat shows in the Northeast, bound to…

Marine Salvage

Keeping Our Waterways Clean … Marine salvage is the process of recovering a ship and its cargo after a shipwreck or other maritime casualty … Identify the Scope of Services Required … The scope of services performed by salvage companies are very broad. Salvage may…

LI Fishing Report

Just a little bit longer. It’s such a rough stretch from after the Super Bowl until fishing starts back up again. At least there have been the usual distractions and a new one to keep my sanity.I’m still getting through my arsenal of plugs that…

CT-RI Fishing Report

For open-water fishermen in Southern New England, February is nearly universally considered to be the toughest month of the year, and this is especially true for the saltwater purist. To be completely honest, there are very few options available this month locally for a boater…