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Long Island Boating World

Captured By Pirates

The period from 1630 to 1730 is considered the golden age of piracy and Rhode Island was a major haven for buccaneers. The wars between England, Holland, and France gave rise to privateers who were licensed by their respective governments to raid enemy shipping. This…

Weathering Life

The period from 1630 to 1730 is considered the golden age of piracy and Rhode Island was a major haven for buccaneers. The wars between England, Holland, and France gave rise to privateers who were licensed by their respective governments to raid enemy shipping. This…

The Sailaway Gourmet

While I was away working in Florida, I became obsessed with fish tacos and was able to find them on the menu at most any restaurant I went to. Oddly though my taste for this yummy dish started when I ate them at a small…

First Run

Last month (Moving Right Along) I told you how we went up to Alexandria Bay to start getting our new to us boat ready for launching. We removed many bags full of things we did not want and still had more to go. With the…

Mercante’s Sea Trials – Admiralty Law: Off to See The Wizard

The Supreme Court has an affinity for admiralty cases. Why else would the Court agree to take on a seemingly simple marine insurance dispute involving a yacht owner and his United Kingdom-based marine insurance company? Because the Supreme Court recognizes what is at stake is…

LI Fishing Report

What a spectacular season we’ve had so far. The mild winter didn’t just treat us to not having to shovel snow but a much stronger start to things in the past two months then we typically see. June presents a ton of opportunities to get…

NJ Fishing Report

The spring run of stripers seemed to continue on the momentum of the fall as daily catches were super impressive through the month of May, and that action should roll right into early June. Fluke season opened on May 2nd and some areas hit the…