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Long Island Boating World

New York’s Worst Maritime Disaster

New York’s worst maritime disaster and the nation’s second deadliest maritime didn’t happen off the coast in the Atlantic Ocean or Long Island Sound but in the East River less than a few hundred feet from shore.On June 15, 1904, crowds of happy people, mostly…

Living The Dream

We’ve all seen pictures of people sitting in the cockpit with a drink in their hand, pictures that usually come with articles about living on a boat. Some of us read the articles and think about the lucky ones able to agree to abandon the…

Speaking of the Sea…

There is nothing on Earth that has inspired more soul felt scribbling than the sea. Whether stormy or calm, arctic or tropical; back when under sail or now with engine hum, there’s just something about the sea that leads to transcendent thoughts and emotions put…

The Sailaway Gourmet

Another year has gone by, and a new one to make the most of. We all have our challenges but I could have definitely done without some of mine. But I survived it all and look forward to a better year ahead.It’s soup time again…

A Brief History of Whaling

A Brief History of Whaling …The commercial whaling fishery in the United States is thought to have started in the 1650s when a series of contracts were established between Long Island residents and the Shinnecock Indians … Further North, the Wampanoag Tribesmen are thought to…