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Posts published in “November-December 2023”

Low Light Cameras

When running a boat at any time, nothing replaces common sense and running at a safe speed. When running in the dark, you should have crew members help spot and be on the lookout for obstacles. When in tight quarters (harbors, inlets, channels, etc) take…

Boatyard Blues

There was a time when I loved to roam around boatyards. Back then I was always keeping an eye out for the boat of my dreams. Perhaps an old Atkin cutter or Friendship sloop that somebody left behind. Of course, it would have a for-sale…

Coming Home! – Part II

Waking up early in Brewerton revealed another picture-perfect day. It was a little on the cool side with temperatures starting in the mid-fifties, and the boat was soaking wet with the morning dew. Barn swallows lined the rails of many of the boats docked at…