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Posts published in “August 2022”

A Rose Like No Other

There are many types of roses cultured by the most incredible botanists and horticulturists since the first garden varieties were cultured in China almost 5,000 years ago. From there it spread overland and sea routes to the Middle East. As Rome grew, so did the…

The Golden Age of Piracy – Part II

Return of the Pirate RoundThe Pirate Round was a sailing route followed by many, mainly English, pirates, during the late 17th and early 18th centuries. And, spanning the years 1719 to 1721, Edward England, John Taylor, Olivier Levasseur, and Christopher Condent plied the seas out…

The Blue Bloods of the Sea

They are not very pretty, they have nothing to do with horses and in fact, they are not even crabs, but rather they are relatives of the scorpions, spiders and mites that first evolved some 480 million years ago. During the time known as the…

Stratford Shoal (Middle Ground) Light

Standing mid-Long Island Sound, about five miles from coastal Connecticut and New York, Stratford Shoal Light has warned sailors of the dangerous shallows extending out north and south of the beacon for nearly one and a half centuries.Sailing the Sound in 1614, Dutch explorer Adrian…

USS Enterprise 1799

The USS Enterprise was the third to be called Enterprise. She was a schooner, built by Henry Spencer in Baltimore, Maryland in 1799.The ship was overhauled and rebuilt several times. It was changed from a twelve-gun schooner to a fourteen-gun, and eventually to a brig.…

Fish, Fire & Foil

If you’re like me, you fire up the grill all year round, but at least twice as often during these warmer months. Keeping cooking heat outdoors is one reason during these Dog Days, but moreover, I think it’s those warmer months that inspire us to…

The Real Robinson Crusoe

The Life and Strange Adventuresof Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe is considered the greatest maritime adventure story of all time. The idea of being stranded on an uninhabited jungle island and living off the land has fascinated people of all ages for generations. In 1719 Daniel…

Getting Juiced Up!

You know, electrified! On the boat! We have shore power on our boat, but no generator. This has limited our overnight stays on the hook to only a handful since owning this boat since 2003. A hot meal would be nice sometimes, coffee, cold milk…